We invite you to register to our upcoming webinar: "Optimising Your Scope 3 Emissions Reporting Across your Supply Chain" on Tuesday 4 June 2024, at 2:00 pm BST, 9:00 am EDT, to learn how to track, improve, and report on Scope 3 emissions calculations with the Hub Platform, by Veratrak.
The webinar will focus on how the Hub can help organisations map their #carbonfootprint by effectively calculating and collecting Scope 3 emissions across their supply chain trading partner base.
During the webinar, we will showcase how Veratrak has aligned its transport and warehouse emissions calculations with industry best practices and the methodology audited and accredited by Smart Freight Centre, based on the GLEC Framework and compliant with ISO 14083.Webinar.
Veratrak has aligned its transport and warehouse emissions calculations with industry best practices and the methodology audited and accredited by Smart Freight Centre, based on the GLEC Framework and compliant with ISO 14083.
>> Don't miss out: register online